Harry Potter has given us all the opportunity to delve into a world of magic, escape reality and take our imaginations to a whole new level.
Thanks to everyone who entered our competition!

The winner of the Kindle and Book of Spells cover is Jessica Lucitt.

These are the runners up for the best comments on the Facebook post:

Shahanna Plaza

"I love Harry Potter merely because of its magic. As a firm believer, Harry Potter was like a solid proof of how enchantment works. Also, I love it because it has such embracing, inspiring, and just plain idolizing characters. they affected me more than I could say. Likewise, I also adore the world building which is almost next to reality, the world of Hogwarts is so promising. There are so many things I love about HP and words will never be enough to express them."

Sarah Daftarian

"Harry Potter was my childhood, it really was. I recently just finished reading the entire series for the 50th time, and each and every time has been pure magic. It makes me feel so much better when life isn't at its best, and I love disappearing into Harry's world. Riding along on the Hogwarts Express, exploring the castle, and fighting the Dark Arts with Harry."

Stevie Faulkner

"I love Harry Potter, I grew up with him and the rest of them. It was wonderful as a child having that injection of magic to add to my imagination and as I got older it took the seriousness out of life. When the grown up responsibilities happened and the dark depressing things came up in the news, Harry Potter was there to keep the innocence and the sheer wonder alive, it was like the light in the darkness."

But Don't Worry, if you didn't win you can use the code: 


at checkout (and click 'apply') to get 25% off a Book of Spells cover

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